
Competition Act Disclaimer

The Canadian federal government passed the omnibus Bill C-59, which includes amendments to the Competition Act, resulting in changes to the law around environmental communications. The changes create significant uncertainty in respect of how Canadian companies may legally communicate with the public regarding their environmental goals and performance, including their climate change mitigation efforts.

With uncertainty on how the new law will be interpreted and applied, and in the absence of any transition period nor guidance from the government, we have decided to restrict public access to our environmental-related communications at this time. As a result, the content on this page has been temporarily removed. Any clarity the Competition Bureau can provide through specific guidance may help direct our communications approach in the future.

Notwithstanding the changes to the legislation, Obsidian Energy’s intent and approach to environmental action remain unchanged. We believe our industry has a key role to play in supporting a strong economy and helping provide Canadians with secure access to affordable energy.