Health & Safety

Safety is an integral part of Obsidian Energy’s activities. Our safety programs protect not only the Company and its employees, but also friends, families, fellow workers, the public and the environment, from the far-reaching effects of serious accidents.

Obsidian Energy’s management team is committed to continually improving safety standards, programs, training, awareness – and, most importantly, the safety of its employees and contractor’s employees.

Safety Principles

  • Safety policies, procedures and programs developed by Obsidian Energy shall meet or exceed legislative requirements.
  • The Company’s management shall ensure compliance by establishing appropriate programs and conducting audits of its operations.
  • Compliance with safety policies and procedures is the responsibility of every employee and contractor, and is a condition of employment.
  • Any injury and any serious incident shall be reported and investigated.
  • All applicable jurisdictional regulations shall be enforced for the safety of work sites and all who set foot on them.

Emergency Response Plan

As part of our commitment to the safety of its workers, the public and the environment, Obsidian Energy is prepared to respond to any emergency involving its operations in a timely and safe manner and maintains comprehensive emergency response plans (ERPs) for all of its operations. Although we do not expect local or volunteer emergency organizations to have the equipment or experience to respond to technical emergencies, we have developed our ERPs in consultation with the emergency response organizations and the stakeholders in the communities in which we operate in order to ensure that specific procedures and responsibilities of Obsidian Energy and emergency personnel are clear in any emergency involving the Company’s operations. Obsidian Energy ensures that its ERPs are shared with appropriate first responder organizations and are regularly reviewed and updated with current stakeholder and technical information. We also carry out community awareness initiatives and emergency response training programs with our stakeholder and first responder groups to ensure emergency preparedness. Should you require information about any Obsidian Energy ERP, please contact us at

Obsidian Energy’s ERP manuals for its oil and gas pipelines under the jurisdiction of the National Energy Board (NEB), which have been submitted to the NEB and are updated annually, are accessible through the following links:


Obsidian Energy Corporate Emergency Response Plan
Obsidian Energy Emergency Management Program
Obsidian Energy Emergency Management Program – Executive Summary
Obsidian Energy Compeer Esther Area-Specific Emergency Response Plan

Safety Data Sheets

Condensate, Sweet
Crude Oil Sour, PG I
Crude Oil Sour, PG II
Crude Oil Sour, PG III
Crude Oil Sweet, PG I
Crude Oil Sweet, PG II
Crude Oil Sweet, PG III
Heavy Oil, Sour
Heavy Oil, Sweet
Natural Gas Liquids
Natural Gas, Sour
Natural Gas, Sweet
Produced Water, Sour
Produced Water, Sweet